
Research Activity and Community Service are coordinated by The Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM). It is used to be in the form of coordination functions, monitoring, evaluation, and publication of the results of research and community service performed by the faculty and students at Universitas Kader Bangsa. The fund of research activities and community services continues to increase every year. Funding comes from various sources such as Dikti, local governments, and national or international cooperation. The research program includes field studies of LPPM health department, economics, and laws.

Pusat Kajian Ilmu Kesehatan, ilmu Ekonomi dan ilmu hukum memiliki sejumlah tenaga ahli dari berbagai bidang disiplin ilmu, yang mempunyai banyak pengalaman dalam bidang ilmu kesehatan, ekonomi dan hukum serta bidang sumber daya manusia dalam bentuk penelitian, pelatihan, konsultasi dan advokasi. Pusat Kajian Ilmu Kesehatan, ilmu Ekonomi dan ilmu hukum memberikan bantuan teknis dalam bidang tersebut kepada masyarakat dan instansi terkait di dalam negeri dan direncanakan untuk kerja sama luar negeri dengan komitmen secara menyeluruh dan tepat waktu, serta professional dan bermutu. Sementara itu dari segi bentuknya, penelitian yang dikembangkan Universitas Kader Bangsa dapat berbentuk penelitian menyatu (embeded) dalam program pendidikan Diploma, Sarjana, dan Magister serta penelitian yang ditentukan, dirancang, dilaksanakan dan dibiayai oleh Universitas Kader Bangsa (atau kerjasama dengan mitra Universitas Kader Bangsa).

Priority Research

Priority areas of research in UKB are divided into three main areas:

  1. Studies in the Field of Health
  2. Studies in the Field of Health
  3. Studies in the Field of Health

  1. The research program in the field of health sector focuses on customary law, commercial law, Islamic law.
  2. A constitutional research law program focuses on the field of regulation rule, decentralization, governance, and elections.
  3. A criminal law research program focuses on branches of a child, immorality, theft, domestic violence, etc.
  4. An institutional research program field of law.

  1. The research program in the field of civil law focuses on customary law, commercial law, Islamic law.
  2. A constitutional research law program focuses on the field of regulation rule, decentralization, governance, and elections.
  3. A criminal law research program focuses on branches of a child, immorality, theft, domestic violence, etc.
  4. An institutional research program field of law.

  1. The research program in the field of civil law focuses on customary law, commercial law, Islamic law
  2. A constitutional research law program focuses on the field of regulation rule, decentralization, governance, and elections.
  3. A criminal law research program focuses on branches of a child, immorality, theft, domestic violence, etc
  4. An institutional research program field of law.

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